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20218 Wits trial Elsie's placeR | 2018sutherland field and HenryR | 2018 Zimbabwe Kelvin and Hennie |
2018 Zim winners LR | 2018 zim winnersR | 2018 Zim Verity and Bee with Hennie and |
2018 Zim Hennie and ClaireR | 2018 wp trial winners R | 2018 sutherland winners R |
2018 wits prizesR | 2018 Wits Pippa's dogR | 2018 Kokstad field with GerryR |
2018 kokstad winnersR | 2018 Rose ZimR | 2018 Irene Zimtrial winth Eryb and Henni |
2018 kelvin and poppy in zim R | 2018 Geoff and Misty and Hennie at Zim t | 2018 Dullstroom group R |
2018 eastern Cape groupR | 2018 eastern Cape winnersR | 2018 eastern Cape field with JurieR |
2018 eastern cape pippaR | zim winners | Dullstroom group LR |
180929-369 | 180929-365 | 180929-360 |
180929-350 | 180929-349 | 180929-344 |
180929-334 | 180929-332 | 180929-328 |
180929-312 | 180929-292 | 180929-282 |
180929-285 | 180929-278 | 180929-263 |
180929-256 | 180929-247 | 180929-242 |
180929-240(1) | 180929-240 | 180929-238 |
180929-237 | 180929-236 | 180929-235 |
180929-221(1) | 180929-221 | 180929-220 |
180929-217 | 180929-218 | 180929-199 |
180929-193 | 180929-177 | 180929-175 |
180929-160 | 180929-174 | 180929-157 |
180929-155 | 180929-154 | 180929-152 |
180929-147 | 180929-115 | 180929-150 |
180929-111 | 180929-100 | 180929-80 |
180929-75 | 180929-5 | 180929-33 |
180929-30 | 180929-51 | 180929-11 |
180929-44 | JKloof hill trial tractor ride | JKloof rainbow |
JKloof raining | JKloof rain on the mountain | JKloof Yvan's Nic |
Jkloof Yvan Fourie and Nic | JKloof Gerry and Fly shedding | JKloof Gerry's Fly flying |
Jkloof Yvan and Nic penned | JKloof Andrew and Pippa hard at work. | JKloof Sally's Renn taking a well earned |
JKloof Renn | JKloof Gys vd Berg Kyli on the away driv | JKloof Gys calling Kyli in |
JKloof Gys and Kyli getting ready to she | JKloof Gys and Kyli taking the single | JKloof Gys and Kyli did pen |
JKloof clouds mountain | JKloof Claire's Morag 2 | JKloof Claire's Morag getting ready for |
Jkloof Claire's Morag | JKloof Bridget's Zeta | JKloof Claire making a wish |
JKloof Claire and Morag penned | JKloof Bridget Lloyd penning with Zeta | JKloof Rain on its way and Jurie putting |
JKloof Pippa and Zan taking the single | JKloof Rain close even birds leaving now | JKloof Pippa and Zan shedding 2 |
JKloof Pippa and Zan shedding | JKloof Jade approaching away drive gates | JKloof Mark and Jade it got dark very qu |
JKloof MArk and JAde shedding | JKloof Mark lifting off for the shed | JKloof MArk and JAde with a tight turn a |
JKloof Andrew and Kenn taking the single | JKloof Andrew and Kenn bringing sheep ar | JKloof Andrew and Kenn shedding |
JKloof Andrew's Kenn bringing the sheep. | JKloof Ragni's Jack | JKloof Ragni and Penny at the pen |
JKloof Ragni's Penny | JKloof Ragni's Penny 2 | JKloof Mark's Gus |
JKloof Mark's Gus takining the single | JKloof Mark and Gus penned | JKloof Jack from Ragni taking the single |
JKloof Elsie's Celt | JKloof Elsie Celt's facing sheep | JKloof Elsie getting ready for the singl |
JKloof Henry and Donna taking the single | JKloof Henry's Donna | JKloof Henry and Donna |
JKloof Andrew's Jaff | JKloof Andrew and Jaff penned | JKloof Andrew and Jaff |
JKloof Pippa and Scot | JKloof Pierre and Mac | JKloof Pippa's Peat fetching sheep and S |
JKloof Pippa's Peat | JKloof Pierre shedding with Mac | Jkloof Pierre and Mac penned |
JKloof Jurie's Madonna | JKloof Irene and Breeze | JKloof Jurie and Madonna at pen |
JKloof Jurie's Madonna 2 | JKloof Pierre and Mac | JKloof Pippa's Peat fetching sheep and S |
JKloof Pierre shedding with Mac | JKloof Pippa's Peat | JKloof Pippa and Scot |
Jkloof Pierre and Mac penned | JKloof Elsie's Cas | JKloof sheep |
Jkloof Attie's shed | JKloof Attie penned | JKloof Attie's Molly |
Jkloof sheep2 | JKloof Nikita | JKloof Mark and Nikita penning |
JKloof Mark Nikita shed | JKloof Nikita shed2 | JKloof Jurie's Sissy2 |
JKloof Jurie's Sissy | Jurie and Sissy after penning | JKloof Irene's Eryn |
JKloof Irene and Eryn shed | JKloof Irene they are in | Henry and Jem shed |
Henry's Jem | JKloof Henry a job well done | JKloof Gerry and Fly |
JKloof Gerry and Fly shed | JKloof Gerry penning | JKloof Tom and Kim |
JKloof Tom King | JKloof Sally putting out sheep | JKloof Ragni and Fia |
JKloof Ragni's Fia | JKloof Ragni and Fia shed | JKloof Ragni and Fia penning |
JKloof Pierre's Nell | JKloof Pierre Strydom and Nell | JKloof Jurie's Trump2 |
JKloof Jurie's Trump | JKloof Jurie and Trump | JKloof Jurie at the pen |
Jkloof Elsie Maxim2 | JKloof Elsie's Maxim | JKloof Elsie and Maxim |
JKloof Elsie's Cymry | JKloof Gerry Pen | JKloof Tom and Kim |
JKloof Tom's Kim | JKloof Pippa and Fleece | JKloof Ivan's Nic |
JKloof Pippa and Fleece 2 | JKloof irene and Tarn 2a | JKloof Irene and Tarn |
JKloof Ivan and Nic | JKloof Gerry and Mac | JKloof Gerry's Mac |
JKloof Gerry Pen | JKloof Ragni Jack | JKloof Irene and Shine |
JKloof Claire and Swift shed | JKloof Elsie and Becca | JKloof Claire Swift pen |
JKloof Henry and Lass | JKloof Claire gate | JKloof Claire and Swift |
Kokstad winners | Kokstad Gerry pen | Kokstad views |
Fort Beaufort Jurie pen | F Beaufort group | Fort Beaufort Elsie |
Kokstad Jurie away drive | Fort Beaufort winners | Fort Beaufort Pippa at Pen |
Fort Beaufort the Field | sutherland winners | sutherland Pippa Junior course |
Sutherland Mist2 | Sutherland Henry Top Dogs Cast | Sutherland Henry Top Dogs Bring |
Sutherland Attie Beginners | Sutherland Andrew and Flint | Sutherland Elsie Celt |
Sutherland Henry with Thomas | DSC_8245 |
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