POPI (Protection of Personal Information) & PUBLICATIONS ACTS - DECLARATION
The SA Sheepdog Association’s objective is to promote, foster and stimulate the interest in the different breeds of sheepdogs through breeding and training and by organising sheepdog trials, exhibitions, shows and demonstrations in order to encourage and assist through advice, guidance or information all persons interested in furthering these objectives.
As a registered member your information, image and voice may be recorded, published or shared where and when necessary in order to reach these objectives.
Should you not agree to these terms, please inform the Office in writing by 31 December 2023 to enable the necessary adjustment to our records.
Thanking you kindly.
BVPI (Beskerming van Persoonlike Inligting) & PUBLIKASIEWETTE - VERKLARING
Die SA Skaaphondvereniging se doelwit is om die belangstelling in die verskillende rasse skaaphonde te bevorder, te beskerm en te stimuleer deur middel van teling en afrigting en deur skaaphondkompetisies, tentoonstellings, skoue en demonstrasies te reël om belangstellendes deur middel van advies, leiding en inligting aan te moedig en te ondersteun om hierdie doelwitte te bevorder.
As ‘n geregistreerde lid kan u inligting, beeld en stem opgeneem, gepubliseer of gedeel word waar en wanneer nodig om hierdie doelwitte te bereik. Sou u nie met hierdie bepalings saamstem nie, verwittig asb die Kantoor skriftelik teen 31 Desember 2023 ten einde die nodige veranderinge aan ons rekords aan te bring.
Dankie by voorbaat.